About DentaNet
DentaNet is a professional network consisting of dental clinics and collaborators in all the North, who cooperates to make patients even happier. We conduct quality courses and lectures with respected, international speakers within the minimally invasive and cosmetic dentistry. At the same time, the social interaction and cozy atmosphere are focusses of attention for us. We believe that the best learning takes place in such a network where we are having fun and feeling like a “dentist family”.
The dentistry business is with its closed business structure particularly evident to optimize through a networking model, which in the end will benefit both dentists, collaborators, and the patients.
I am especially happy that I get to use my competencies on helping the members of DentaNet to save time, money, and energy, which can be used to help more patients instead.
The most important thing for me is that you as a dentist can spend your time with the patients – and that is what DentaNet is all about.
What people say about DentaNet courses
What do we do
at DentaNet?
At DentaNet we conduct quality courses and lectures with respected, international speakers to further educate ourselves within the minimally invasive dentistry and to offer the optimal care for patients. Courses make up one of our biggest departments, but we do a lot more than “just” that!
We have a close collaboration with an expert in HR and communication and through this, we have a selection of workshops and services which we call “DentaNet’s HR and Communication Packages”.
We establish strong cooperation agreements with our collaborators so that you can minimize your administration and focus on your main business instead.
Our network is driven by the desire to help each other make the patients even happier. In DentaNet, we do so by:
Courses and events
DentaNet's HR and Communication packages
Collaboration agreements with collaborators
Patient analyses
All of this in order for you to have more time for your core business:
The patients.
Courses and Events
We all know the feeling of excitement and inspiration you get after a terrific course. However, when you get back home and the humdrum of the daily activities of the clinic kicks in, you can hardly find the energy to implement all the new initiatives and good ideas.
The focus of DentaNet is to make it as easy as possible for you to be a dentist. We do so by arranging quality courses and lectures in which we emphasize high professional standards and minimally invasive dental care. Throughout the years, we have built an external network of recognized and influential teachers and lecturers who are also opinion leaders in the dental care. We have brought several international big names in i.a. Dr. Pascal Magne, Dr. Newton Fahl, Dr. Tif Qureshi, Dr. Francesca Vailati, Dr. Ian Buckle, Dr. John Cranham, Dr. Stephane Browet, Dr. Jason Smithson, Dr. Eduardo Mahn, Dr. Eric Van Dooren, Dr. Giano Ricci, and Dr. Lorenzo Vanini. For many years, the annual DentaNet Symposium has attracted a lot of participants and has set the standard for new professional knowledge.
HR and Communication
Services and workshops for the entire clinic
"DentaNet's HR and Communication Packages" are a selection of workshops and services within patient communication, the Ambassador Effect, hypnosis, team, and management which you put together yourself dependent on the needs and wishes of the clinic. Every single package is customized with assistance from an expert in HR and communication in order for you to get the most optimal and personal profits. The different workshops and services are targeted at the entire clinic to optimize the daily running of it.
Minimize your Administration with our Collaboration Agreements
All administration is a bad, but necessary use of your time. With the right network and collaborator it is, however, possible to minimize your administration by getting other and often more competent people to do it. For that reason, we pick collaborators who have to capacity to take care of you and who can widely support you in the implementation of all the ideas and optimizations that we can think of.
You will often find that the arrangements of DentaNet are based on helping you at the clinic during the daily routine. It rarely works to solve the challenges outside of a system rather than within it where the people can be found.
Patient Analyses
We have to become acquainted with the patients before we can fulfill our mission to make the patients even happier. We are therefore continously carrying out patient analyses in collaboration with research institutes in which we analyse different parameters. We have e.g. asked about what is weigthy and of greatest importance when selecting a dentist as well as the knowledge of the patients in relation to different types of treatment.
Among other things, we use the results of the patient analyses to develop targeted workshops for the entire team. This is our way of taking the needs and wishes of the patients into account. We have an HR expert affiliated who is a part of developing our workshops and services. Some of the most popular workshops, which have come into existence based on the patient analyses, are "Effective Patient Communication", "The Ambassador Effect", and "Hypnosis in the Dental Practice".
Become a member of DentaNet
Your dental clinic can become a member of DentaNet and get advantageous benefits of membership, e.g. 10% off all our courses and access to our strong collaborative agreements.
The clinic only pays for one membership which covers the entire clinic including dentists and the rest of the team. This way, everyone can benefit from the membership!
Who will you meet at DentaNet?
The many initiatives and particularly the creation of a Nordic network mean that you eventually will meet different people in the DentaNet administration.
You will of course meet all of us, more or less, on the different courses, and especially on the large 2 day courses where we will all be present.

Peter Gerdes
Managing director

Dentistry student

Dentistry student

Dentistry student

Dentistry student

Dentistry student

Dentistry student

Dentistry student

Sara Habib

Dentistry student

Dental hygienist student

Dentistry student